Type of liquids A major consideration with the filling machine relates to the type of products that are being bottled. Liquids can be sticky, thick and semi-fluid in consistency, so it is essential to use a machine that matches. For instance, the thick liquid is best paired with the piston filler and the thin liquid goes well with the gravity filler. There are some liquids that can satisfactory use the same machine, but it generally benefits to always stick to the specific type of machinery to complement the product.
Unique characteristics There are plenty of liquids that can change consistency or thickness as the local temperature starts to change. Other liquids can feature particulates, such as liquid soaps and salad dressings. Any liquid with a unique characteristic can have an impact on the preferred type of filler. For the thick liquids like spaghetti sauce with pieces of mushrooms or vegetables included it is certain to benefit from a piston machine because it has the wide pathway. Using the wrong machine can soon lead to blockages, which means the problematic and slow filling process.
Type of container or bottle The type of container or bottle is a further consideration in choosing the preferred piece of machinery. For instance, the clear bottle is often paired with the overflow filler to achieve the consistent fill levels. This gives the most attractive look when placed on the store shelves. Also, the size of the bottle will have an impact on the type of filler nozzle to use.
Bottles to fill per hour The level of automation varies with the different filling machines. The machine is built to be fully automated, semi-automatic or a tabletop. The fastest fill option is the automated machines that are significantly faster than the alternatives and require minimal operator interaction once the work is underway. The semi-automatic has a much slower production rate because it is necessary to manually switch on the filling process and clear the filled bottles as required. The preferred liquid filling machine should have the ability to meet the production demands for the size of a particular business.